トライアスロンのオフロード版エクステラジャパン | XTERRA JAPAN


Followed by English translation.






詳細はこちらから→XTERRA World Championship | XTERRA (xterraplanet.com)

Our Goal​



エクステラは決して巨大なコミュニティではありませんが、日本国内海外を問わず選手同士のつながりが強いのです。私たちは「XTERRA Family(エクステラファミリー)」と呼んでコミュニケーションをはかっています。

レースはもちろんレース前、レース後、オフシーズンもしっかりとつながっているのが「XTERRA Family(エクステラファミリー)」なのです。

また「XTERRA Family(エクステラファミリー)」は選手だけではなく、家族、パートナー、開催地の方、ボランティア、スポンサー、大会関係者、エクステラに関わった全ての方が「XTERRA Family(エクステラファミリー)」でその全ての方が笑顔になれる大会を目指しています。

About Us

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XTERRA is an off-road triathlon with open water-swimming, mountain biking (MTG),and trail running.
Triathletes compete in raw nature, giving the triathlon a unique spin compared to regular triathlons.

XTERRA was born on the island of Maui in Hawaii in 1996.
XTERRA is a world series with 41 races held in 30 countries (82 races including sub-events) Today.
Approximately 150 qualifying races, mainly championship series,are held in different regions throughout the world.

In Asia,these races are held in Japan,Taiwan, China,Korea,Thailand,and the Philippines among others.
As Maui is the sacred birthplace of XTERRA,triathletes who qualified gather in Maui every October to compete for the XTERRA world championship.

Our Goal​

XTERRA is an off-road triathlon.
The race in nature though, nature is not always friendly to us, sometimes it becomes very tough environment.

However one of the most attractive points of XTERRA is to feel nature with whole body.
This will become a great opportunity to realize and nurture nature friendly feelings.
XTERRA is not a massive community though, have a strong bond among all the athletes regardless home or abroad.

All athletes on XTERRA communicates each other during these races, also before and after, even during off-season so that we call ourselves XTERRA family,not only the competing triathletes but also their families,partners,local people,volunteers,sponsors,all those who involved in these events are XTERRA family.

And our final goal is to make every XTERRA family have a big smile on their face through these events.

About Us

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